Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Village

I figure its about time that we talk about the Village part of "A Vision & A Village."

Raising kids is hard work.  Raising kids from hard places is REALLY hard work.

The road to our little guy is long and will be incredibly trying.  As soon as we announced that we were adopting, Satan immediately started digging around in our hearts and heads.  He told us lie after lie about how adopting from the D.R. Congo is a terrible idea.  He pushed us to question God's calling and even question the vision itself.

Friends, this is where you come in.  When talking to each other couldn't lift the cloud of doubt, we called on some friends who had walked this path before us.  They went to bat for us and spoke truth when all we were hearing was lies.  They were our village.

When little man finally comes home, this is the village that we are going to desperately need: prayer warriors, encouragers, prophets, teachers, and friends. Our family will be rocked, and we will need you.  Little man will need people who understand where he has come from in order that he can learn what it means to be a dearly loved SON.

Yes, it will take a village of people to help us raise the funds to bring him home, but what you speak into his life and into ours is far more important than the money you donate.

"It takes a village to raise a child."  - African Proverb

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