Monday, November 10, 2014


If I have learned one thing about God's character over the past couple of years it is that he has no desire to let me live out my plan for my life and not his. A close second would be that I generally have no idea what his plan for my life actually is. 

My plan for my life = adopt a son from the DRC.
God's plan for my life = have another biological child and then adopt a son from somewhere (place unknown to us).

If you are surprised by this news, you're tracking with us correctly. We are surprised by this news. Immensely blessed but wholeheartedly surprised!

Here's how it all went down: We made a choice as a family to take a step that would, in essence, ensure that we had no more biological children. Exactly one day after Ryan had that fateful procedure, we got some rather unexpected news. We're expecting child #3 in May. Child #3 will not be adopted. Surprise!

That does not mean we are not adopting. As of now, Ryan and I have decided that we will adopt a son from somewhere. We aren't terribly sure where that place is, and we aren't sure of our new time frame. We are sure of a couple of things, though; any money that you've donated or have helped us raise is sitting safely in an adoption only fund, and if we for some reason decide that we cannot complete our adoption, we will donate all of that money to some dear friends who are working hard to bring their kiddos home or finish their adoptions.

We are excited for all God has for our family and we're learning to laugh with him when he throws us a bit of a curveball.